#To25 BRAINstorm Challenge

The Organising Committee of the 2025 World University Games Winter has decided to launch an academic challenge to accompany the sports events. #To25 BRAINstorm is the first competition for the brand new “athletes of the mind” and will involve a thousand young people from all over the world, who will compete in 9 new “mind disciplines”, proposed by the universities of Piemonte, linked to the themes and challenges of the moment to which they will respond through projects and proposals. Climate change, energy sustainability and the ability to create social cohesion and new work models. A maximum of 25 teams of four people will participate in each of the disciplines, competing against each other in a battle of ideas. 

Like their sport counterparts, there will be podiums and a final medal table, with the top three of every discipline receiving a cash prize and mentoring to achieve their projects.

The Universiade goes beyond sport, thanks to the contribution and support offered by the Turin Chamber of Commerce, which made itself available to develop this challenge and to financially support the winning projects.  

A working group, composed of the four universities of Piemonte (Università di Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo, Università del Piemonte Orientale), in collaboration with the Torino 2025 OC, have selected the themes within which the individual challenges will be developed. 

The different mind disciplines will have a dedicated jury, which will be composed of expert members, selected and appointed by each university.

#TO25 BRAINstorm’s challenge is split in 2 phases:

  • National phase (online, opening date: 18/05/2023 – closing date: 30/11/2023) *
  • International phase (online, opening date: 20/05/2024 – closing date: 14/06/2024)
  • Evalutation: 17/06/2024-19/07/2024
  • Selected Projects will be announced on September 6, 2024

Thanks to a decision taken by the Organizing Committee, those who participated in the national phase and in international phase, will have the opportunity to partecipate to the SPRINT GENERATION CHALLENGE.

Torino 2025 FISU Games: the world's biggest University party is waiting for you! #TO2025 BRAINSTORM: from today you are the protagonist!

This edition of the Games will not only involve sports but will also launch “the challenge of minds”, with the goal of providing solutions to the challenges of today and tomorrow. The competition is a real academic challenge that accompanies the sports challenge and is named “BRAINstorm”. The first competition in the history of the World University Games for “athletes of the mind” will involve a thousand young people from all over the world, who will compete in 9 disciplines of the mind proposed by the 4 universities in Piemonte. The international phase, it will be open both to students enrolled in Italian universities and to students enrolled in international universities. In short, it will be open to all university students worldwide. To participate you must choose your topic, create a project, register in the appropriate area and upload the required documents.

The international challenge starts now. From January 13, 2024, you will have the opportunity to select the challenge in which your team (which must be formed by 4 people – as indicated in the announcement – regularly enrolled at any university worldwide and still in studying in January 2025) wishes to participate and upload your project online. By clicking on the icon of the chosen challenge, you will find the call for participation with all the details regarding the form to be filled in present your project, and the prize money up for grabs. You can upload your application on the portal until June 14, 2024 (this deadline may be subject to changes and be postponed). Afterwards, a team of experts will judge your work and a maximum of 5 projects per challenge will be awarded in September 2024: it will be a great party! It will be exclusively online, as the national selection. 

Worldwide selection - for student enrolled both in italian or foreign universities

Choose the challenge category that interests you

The phases of the International Challenge are planned according to the following calendar (as specified in the regulation):
• Opening of applications and uploading of projects – international phase: 13/01/2024 – 14/06/2024
• Evaluation and selection: 17/06/2024 – 06/09/2024

*Today is the day. Start thinking and building your project based on the call of proposals – online uploading will be available starting from May 2024 
The official award ceremony of the winning teams will be held on 20/09/2024.
The national and international phases will be exclusively online. While the final, to which the national finalists and international finalists will have access, will take place live in Torino from January 14 to 23, 2025 during the World University Games Winter 2025 sports competitions. From now until 2025 you will have the opportunity to be the protagonist of your tomorrow, building a better future together with us!

BRAINstorm’s goal is to provide an answer to the grand challenges of tomorrow and, to do this, your role is crucial. Climate change, sustainability, new technologies, the ability to create social cohesion, new work models, and much more. Become part of the future too and choose a challenge to make our tomorrow a better place.

Create your own team, even a multidisciplinary team of 4 students. Click on the challenge icon of your choice, read the announcement and start bringing to life a project capable of changing the world. You have time to upload “your answer to a challenge of tomorrow” until June 14. We remind you that, as your colleagues in sports, there will be a medal table and podium. In the final round, the top three winners will receive a cash prize and mentoring to carry out their projects. Empowering your future, for you and for us.