Torino, 17 and 18 January – The strategic actions for Schools included in the educational programme of the Torino 2025 FISU World University Games Organising Committee continue. In this context, the Conference ‘Scientific-Sports High School: rethinking paradigms to orient educational change towards a sustainable future’ organised by the Liceo Scientifico-Sportivo of the Istituto Sociale, as Promoting School, jointly with the Torino 2025 FISU World University Games Committee, Sport Innovation Hub APS ETS and with the collaboration of CONI C. R. Piemonte and the Sporting Bodies of Piemonte, addressed to the Headmasters and Teachers of Sports-oriented High Schools.
The conference began on Friday 17 and will continue on Saturday 18 January at the Istituto Sociale in Corso Siracusa 10, with the participation of numerous institutions and representatives from both the school and sporting worlds, including the Istituto Sociale’s Education Coordinator Luca Imperatore, URS Piemonte’s General Director Stefano Suraniti, the Education Councillor of the City of Torino Carlotta Salerno, the representative of FISU’s Education&Culture area Bertrand Fincoeur, and the President of the Torino 2025 FISU Games Organising Committee Alessandro Ciro Sciretti. The meeting was moderated by Marta Serrano, Director of Sport Innovation Hub.
The aim is to enhance and strengthen the National Network of Scientific-Sports High Schools (LiSS) as a community of practice on the move, creating a real sharing between schools that have this course of study, so that they can set up tables for discussion and exchange on common needs or experiences. The intention is to open five working tables on as many specific topics that can lead to the drafting of a programme document on the future of the Liceo Scientifico-Sportivo.
The themes of the conference include: an analysis of the state of the art of this high school course; the relationship between sport, everyday teaching and the State Examination; the school-sport-family-health relationship; the role of sports convergence in terms of integral ecology and the relationship with local authorities and sports realities; inclusion and professionalisation in the sport-and-academia binomial; the role of digitalisation and the need to rethink existing paradigms.
The guideline is outlined, and will continue with the same intention in the near future with conferences and seminars hosted by the other Euro-Mediterranean Colleges (including those of Milan, Palermo and Rome).
At this stage, it seems particularly important to devote a moment to confrontation, meeting and dialogue that will allow for the sharing of experiences gained as well as the difficulties and challenges faced by the lecturers on a daily basis. The envisaged output is the elaboration of actions co-designed in response to the most relevant needs that can disseminate good practices, induce rethinking and redesigning of this line of studies and enable the Network to participate in funding calls from a national and European perspective.
On this occasion, the Congress participants also welcomed and awarded the winning schools of the national contest ‘Make School (and SPORT) more sustainable’, promoted by the Organising Committee of the World Winter University Games with the students of Motor Sciences of the University of Torino, the ITS Tourism and Cultural Activities of Piemonte and the young volunteers of the Torino 2025 World University Games.
During the second day of the conference five Community of Practice (COP) or ‘working tables’ will be activated that, through the collaboration with an Expert in the assigned topic and a Tutor will produce a Position Statement to be shared, then, with the Legislator and the central Bodies of the State Administration. The ambitious final output is intended to be not only the re-launch of the Network and the sharing of ideas and good practices, but also the preparation of the necessary work and the realisation of a Liceo Sportivo Charter to be understood as a programmatic document and Mission Statement for the future of the address.