The sustainability of Torino 2025 for the relaunch of the territories: the first planning meeting was held at the Castello del Valentino

Going sustainable, becoming sustainable. In the Hall of Honour of the Castello del Valentino, the first programme meeting promoted by the Organising Committee of the Torino 2025 World University Games Winter was held, on the occasion of the International Day of University Sport

The event, organised in the form of a round table, allowed all the speakers to open the first chapter of a real debate, the aim of which was to organise an event under the banner of sustainability from all points of view: economic, environmental and social. The four Piedmontese universities (Università di Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo e Università del Piemonte Orientale), with their delegates, emphasised how Torino 2025 could be the moment of visibility of a new idea of sustainability at 360°: a vision also shared by the representative of the students of the Politecnico di Torino, Gioele Giachino.

On the occasion, a letter of intent was also signed between the Torino 2025 Organising Committee and the Network of Piedmontese Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS Piemonte), the basis for launching a close collaboration to monitor and measure the sustainability of the Torino 2025 Games.

The special day of celebrations will continue at 7.00 pm with the lighting of the new countdown at the Torre Maratona (next to the Stadio Olimpico Grande Torino). Then, at 7.30 p.m. with the projection of the FISU Games logo on the Mole Antonelliana and, at the same time, the great closing party of Casa TO2025 will be held at the Palavela, with free admission and the possibility of skating for all participants.  At this link you will find all the information on the evening:

These are the speeches of the institutions involved this morning at the Castello del Valentino:

Alessandro Ciro Sciretti (President of the Organising Committee of the Torino 2025 Games): “This day is an opportunity to promote all the values of university sport, which physical activity, together with higher education, brings. We decided to launch our Torino 2025 sustainability programme because major sporting events involve the movement of people, commitment of resources, where attention to sustainability becomes crucial for the good of the planet. Sustainability is not only environmental, but also economic and social, following the goals of the 2030 Agenda, with the support of our stakeholders”.  

Guido Saracco (Rector of the Politecnico di Torino and host of the meeting): “The competences of the Politecnico di Torino are available to realise a sustainable Universiade, a challenge that we all want to win together in the coming years. In parallel, we support the BRAINstorm project, with these challenges to innovation, aimed at finding the solution to humanity’s great challenges”. 

Patrizia Lombardi (President of the RUS National Network): “We must enhance the territory, but above all use the existing structures, this is the model and this is what we must do and in this our Sustainable Universities Network wants to support the Organising Committee of the Turin 2025 Games”.

Christian Monzani (Marketing Director, FISU): “I am happy that Turin is the kick-off of this sustainability programme and this can be a great starting point for the events that we will hold in the years to come, following all the experience we have gathered in the previous ones and, in particular, thinking about the message launched last January by Lake Placid, namely Save the winter”.

Stefania Crotta (Director of Environment, Energy and Territory of the Regione Piemonte): “Our approach to sustainable development is territorialised and refers to not only environmental, but also social and economic dimensions. All Regione Piemonte’s targets have been coordinated with the sustainability targets of the 2030 Agenda and we are available to work alongside the Organising Committee of the Games”. 

Chiara Foglietta (Councillor for Ecological and Digital Transition and Environmental Policies of the City of Torino): “The City of Torino is strongly committed to achieving climate neutrality and among the actions there is a strong focus also on the realisation of sustainable events. The organisation of sustainable events not only reduces environmental impact, but can create financial benefits such as saving energy, reducing waste, buying local products, and creating a positive image”.

Chiara Rossetti (Mayor of Bardonecchia): “Inclusion, sustainability, culture, environment, involvement of the different population groups, from the early school years, in the activities of the municipality and the territory. These are cornerstones, almost watchwords for us, and they are principles that fit in well with the 2025 World University Games project. As an administration, we joined the Network of Sustainable Municipalities a few years ago, and our commitment is maximum to involve school children on the topic of sustainability”.

Luca Salvai (Mayor of Pinerolo): “The sustainable future of an area depends on the seeds that are planted in the present. And the most fertile soil for them to germinate is that of schools. This is why the City of Pinerolo has welcomed with interest the FISU project dedicated to students which, with the collaboration of some artists and the use of recycled materials, aims to create real works inspired by the countdown to Turin 2025”.

Giorgio Merlo (Mayor of Pragelato): “The resources earmarked for the municipality of Pragelato must have a specific objective, avoiding the erection of cathedrals in the desert. The objective is to provide sustainable planning in view of the Games, which will create a legacy in the area. Popular education must be done on this international event, so that the citizenship shares the objectives of this event and unites our territory”.

Marco Cogno (mayor of Torre Pellice): “Although we are a small municipality, we continue our efforts related to eco-sustainability. We have just inaugurated a kindergarten with zero environmental impact, so that our boys and girls can grow up in a building that already from a structural point of view can give them the idea of an eco-sustainable future. We have also installed photovoltaic panels on the ice rink, and for us sustainability is one of the cornerstones on which we base ourselves”.

Francesca Marsaglia (former skier with 225 Alpine Ski World Cup starts and two Olympic participations): “Since I was 14 years old, I realised that Alpine skiing was my life and until last winter I spent 10 out of 12 months on the snowy slopes around the world. Compared to when I took my first steps in the World Cup, the weather situation has drastically changed and finally even the athletes have realised that they have to do something themselves. I am originally from Rome, but I have been adopted by Piemonte and I hope that Torino 2025 can be a beautiful window for our valleys and for the whole region”.

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